Toon Lagoon theater will reopen!

You may remember that in our Islands of Adventure's updates, there was a theater that stande unused for years... Well, it seems like something's on the way!
Here it's the theater, if you don't recall it:
We received this news from an Orlando United member (themedreality):
BMX show returns
the toon lagoon theater will be used again this spring break (and back for the busy summer) for the BMX stunt show. This was anounced last week to employees and appeared in their news letter.
We are not sure how the BMX show will be incorporated with the area's theming, but since it will be a stunt show for sure, it will be at least better than nothing at all!
Keep checking back for updates!


  1. I like how IOA is finally making an attempt to bring their old attractions back! I just don't get the theming of a bmx stunt show in toon lagoon! Oh well, it should still be great!

  2. I wish they did some type of water show with cartoon characters, as this area of the park essentially has only two rides. (three if you count the play-ship)

  3. I agree with you Jake, but as I have said on my post, something is better than nothing!
    Of course I would have loved to see a show based on the area's theme...
    The BMX show doesn't really fit in Toon Lagoon, unless the protagonists on the bikes are cartoons characters :) We'll just have to wait a bit.

  4. Im not sure... but I believe when the park first opened there was a toon lagoon-themed show. They should bring that back. Maybe like a cartoony-silly stunt show sort of thing

  5. I just visited by all of the comptroller documents this past weekend and the only thing mentioned about the toon theater was that the stage floor is being restored. There was no comp doc regarding staging, sets etc. So who knows?

    Best Regards,


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