Discover OTPN!

There have been added many new features to our site in these weeks, so we'd like to take a brief moment to list some of them (Updated on May 4th, 2011):

  • A new toolbar has been added, so now you can: (REMOVED in 2011)
  1. search informations on both the site and the internet;
  2. translate the whole page in just a few seconds (it depends on your internet connection and the web browser you use);
  3. look for recent posts;
  4. watch our channel on You Tube with videos being added every week;
  5. view how many visitors are online;
  6. digg our posts;
  7. read a post randomly selected by the system;
  8. view the timeline of our posts;
  9. go to our companion site (Coaster Thoughts)
  10. go directly to the top of the page (clicking on the arrow)
  11. subscribe to our RSS feeds;
  12. share our posts EVERYWHERE you want to;
  13. see our latest notifications regarding the site;
  14. hide the toolbar.

  • Also on the sidebar there are new features, that include:
  1. a new Google web search bar that fits the theme of the site;
  2. a "translate our site" bar (in case you didn't notice the one in the toolbar);
  3. a new chat box, where you can share your opinions, comments and more! Try it!;
  4. a new "Orlando weather" automatic gadget (before I had to update it);
  5. A NEW POLL!;
  6. our pictures from all the updates we made;
  7. Coco Key water resort logo that directs you to their new Orlando website;
  8. Reflections of Orlando;
  9. Disney Parks blog's latest updates;
  10. a new button for our feedback (Donald Duck) (Mickey Mouse);
  11. subscribe to OTPN;
  12. Sun Rail logo and website.

Remember to visit also our new pages! They are located on the top menu bar. They are all available now, with the exception of Legoland Florida resort, of course.

These are some of the new features we offer, but we'll always continue to update our site!
Please, leave a feedback so we can improve our website. Thank you.

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