Islands of Adventure: The Train is Coming (PART 1)

Good morning, and welcome to Orlando Theme Park News' latest photo-update. Today we are going to take a look around Islands of Adventure to see what's going on in the park. As a bonus for our Readers, we also have some exclusive behind-the-walls photos of the new train station being built right next to The Eight Voyage of Sindbad's theater. As always, we hope you enjoy our pictures. Let's start now:

First of all, here's another look at the new Will Call kiosks that were recently installed right next to Islands of Adventure's entrance (note the new Will Call Kiosks sign):

Inside the park:

The wait time board now features the logo of the park (sorry for the quality of these next few photos, but it is very difficult to take up-close photos of this older LED sign):

Some of the wait times for the day:

There was some additional entertainment around the park last week:

Nothing new to report from the central lagoon of the park

The buoys are still in the same places:

While walking through Seuss Landing, we noticed a crane doing some work backstage:

We tried to get closer to understand what it was lifting up:

Unfortunately, we weren't able to see anything:

Oh, well... It might have been just some regular backstage work:

Green Eggs and Ham:

This is the first time we see the Joggoons. We never noticed them before (we saw the sign, but not the characters):

Moving on to the Lost Continent:

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