CityWalk Update: Margaritaville Patio Expansion Begins

Welcome to our newest photo-report, Orlando Theme Park News Readers!
Today we are going to take a look around Universal's CityWalk to check out on the progress being done in the various areas that are currently under construction.

Let us start to enjoy a virtual walking tour of this entertainment district. We hope you will enjoy the pictures and post your comments at the end of this update:

Welcome to CityWalk:

On the second floor:

Work on the former Pastamore location continues:

Moving on:

A few photos around Antojitos:

The small van located outside the restaurant is showcasing a new artistic design:

The menu:

The Hot Dog Hall of Fame continues to take shape:

At the same time, work on the Universal Studios Store continues:

The temporary one continues to receive additions, like these new logos advertising the products found inside:

This sign has been updated to include Antojitos:

The Islands of Adventure sign could use some help, though:

Maragaritaville's Porch of Indecision is being expanded:

Trying to hide the walls:

A look behind the walls reveals that this is definitely not a minor project:

Time to leave:

And that is all for now. Before concluding, remember to like us on our official Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for live updates from the parks. Also, you can subscribe to our weekly newsletter using the gadget located on our sidebar (the newsletter is sent every Sunday). If you would like to make a donation to OTPN, feel free to use the big "DONATE" button on the sidebar. Thank you very much for your support, and enjoy the rest of your day!


  1. Thx for the update! Question: Are the Panda Express and the Whopper Bar still there?

  2. Yes, they're both still there on the 2nd level. From left to right as you go up the escalator its Moe's, Panda Express and Burger King.

  3. Can't see the photos here either. Problem with

  4. Pictures are visible again. Thx

  5. Yes, we were worried something was wrong on our end, but we think it was that was having issues. Thank you for your patience!

  6. I still can't see the photos.

  7. Pictures are back! Thank you.


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