Did You Know That? - Walt Disney World Edition (40)

Enjoy today's edition of "Did You Know That?" - Walt Disney World:

No. 40: In the preshow area of Muppet*Vision 3D, by the Streets of America at Disney's Hollywood Studios, you can see a net full of Jell-O, a loving nod to Disney Legend Annette Funicello, who sadly passed away very recently. While at first you might not get what Jell-O has to do with the Mouseketeer, if you say "a net full of Jell-O" slowly, it quickly becomes clear.


Thank you very much for reading! That was the last post of this special feature. We hope you enjoyed it!

PHOTO: ©Disney. All rights reserved.


  1. Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

    This can't be the last ever "did you know that?" post!

    Please bring back this feature for an extended run, its brilliant and I look forward to it every day

  2. Thanks for your support, fatdonut! Even though this particular feature has come to an end, we will still post the "Disney Look... to the Past." Also, we are looking into introducing more special features int he future. K=Just stay tuned, and thanks again for reading! :-)

  3. Thanks for the "did you know that". It was fun reading about the Disney trivia.


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