Islands of Adventure Update: Spider-Man's New Paint

Good morning OTPN Readers, and welcome to a new, quick Islands of Adventures update, which includes a glimpse at the repainted entrance of "The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man and more. Let's start!:

The park's entrance is really gorgeous and is really effective in setting the right mood:

Unfortunately, sometimes they need to pay just a little bit more attention to details. For example, guests shouldn't be able to see the speaker in this tower:

It is a one-second job:

Some of the wait times for the day:

The Incredible Hulk Coaster. Looking greener than ever:

What do I see there? It's Spider-Man's flag! Time to check out how work is proceeding on his ride:

The big Spider-Man cut-out is still missing from the front:

...but we do have some news! The entire bottom part of the entrance has been repainted, and new details have been added! Take a look:

Now you can notice a huge spider web taking over the building:

Ooops, this may be a mistake:

"At the intersection of quality and production.":

A better view of the spider web being drawn on the building:

Some more work needs to be done before the attraction reopens on March 8, 2012!:

Let's make a comparison. Here's how the building looked an year ago:

Here is how it looked a few months back:

...and here's how it looks today:

Work on the Toon Lagoon fountain continues:

...but it looks like this work is progressing very slowly!:

Some of the theming elements being repainted:

This was just recently repainted:

...and this too:

Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls is looking good, and the effects seems to be all working (but the exploding shack. That's a hit-or-miss sometimes):

Where are the guests? It is so hot outside!:

Oh, here are some of them!:

Going to the colorful Seuss Landing:

The sign of the High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride is still under refurbishment:

And that should be all we have for today. Thank you for reading, and have a great rest of your day!


  1. Great photos TERRIBLE comments. Oh my Goodness, be creative and don't b**** about stupid stuff like one tiny little speaker not being hidden from view. Who the heck is gonna see that? No normal guest is going to be looking out to see if they can see something so tiny and insignificant ... Good photos though, keep up the good work there

  2. Ok, I had to come back one more time to comment on my previous comment. When I say be creative, I mean: say something original (well of course), don't use the same basic formula for every single update. It's boring. Add some humor, or at least something to keep it interesting. I know I'm complaining a lot, but I just want you to know my honest opinion of your work. I visit this site three or four times a week, and for the most part I like your work, but I (obviously) am not completely satisfied ...

  3. It's really awesome to see Islands of Adventure getting all this new paint and attention lately. I've been a passholder for years and was slowly watching the buildings fade away..especially Suess Landing. The whole park looks so much better now. :) Thanks for the good work reporting this.

  4. Your updates are my mini vacation in my mind! I love them. And I like your comments-calls my attention to things I'd never think to notice. That keeps it interesting!

  5. Anonymous, your comment is... questionable here.

    Orlando Themepark news does one thing, and one thing only: Report theme park NEWS.

    If you want a hilarious thread of pictures with people in it with fake moustaches and silly posing infront of each photo, I suggest you go somewhere else like an enthusiast site.

    The guys here do their job professionally, they have stakeholders and interests to do a proper job for their business objective, hence why it's all news, updates and really - being pinickity to improve the condition / quality seen in all themeparks, surely something we should all apreciate.

    The readership in large comes here for those things and their sponsors want them to act professionally to satisfy the needs of their demographic.

    I could rant on but, I know I will be wasting my time, you're entitled to you're opinion but so I am aswell so, there it was.

  6. Anonymous 1 (and 2)

    I don't think there is any need to carry off like that whatsoever. The OTPN team do an excellent job at brining these updates, especially to those of us who are not fortunate to visit the parks so often ourselves.

    I feel they provide an excellent service and I return BECAUSE they post the same format every single time.
    I don't want to come back and see things chopped and changed when the existing format is perfect.

    As Edd says above, this site is all about news, construction etc. and I for one have struggled to find another site quite like this in terms of quality and frequency of posts. As Edd also says, if you are looking for 'Goofy' (pun intended) posts, maybe you should vacate elsewhere.

    Keep up the good work, OTPN, as ever it is very much appreciated.

  7. Thank you for the nice comments about our site, Jordan, Edd, Debbie, and Anonymous #3! We really appreciate that.

    We always strive to make our posts fun to read, while trying to be as professional as possible.
    Also, it is the attention to small details that really makes the difference in a theme park, hence our being "picky" on that subject.

    Thanks again for your support!

  8. WOW! Great new effects and screens! This is so exciting! Can't wait until March 8th!

    Check out my blog, all about Central Florida and the theme parks!

  9. (Edd.S)

    As if fake mustaches are funny. That is not what I meant at all. Please do not misunderstand me, I think OTPN does a great job with their photos. They are very high quality, professional photos. The only complaint I would have about their photos is that I would like more of them. I didn't mean that the photos (or even the comments) needed to be funny (most definitely not something as cliche as faux mustaches). I would just like to see some comments that don't state the obvious, it's a waste of time to state something one can obviously see in the picture. It would be better to have no comment here at all. I know I'm being nit-picky (I'm even nit-picking about their nit-picking, the irony!), but I would just like to see (or read as it were) something that gives me more than just the knowledge of what I see in the picture (i.e. tell me something of the experience). I hope this will give you a clearer view of my opinion as your view [of my opinion] was incorrect.

  10. (Edd.S again)

    Do you really think I'm as naive and ignorant as all that? Of course I know they have a business objective, and obviously appeal to a specific demographic. But a demographic is not set in stone, and could be expanded to include more than this (relatively) small group of followers. OTPN could increase the following of their site with what I stated. As this is the ultimate goal for any business, to increase the number of consumers and therefore increase net profit.

    I am not saying they should do something other than "NEWS", as they are Orlando Theme Park NEWS, I am saying they should perhaps expand a little on what they do have (still staying a news site) to appeal to a larger demographic so they may not just meet they're business objective, but surpass it.

    I would "apreciate" it if being nit-picky about little details was going to help improve the quality of all theme parks, but that is not the case. If you seriously believe that a news website that is "pinickity" about small details will change all theme parks for the better, you are disillusioned my friend.

    I too could rant on, as I already have, but I'll stop now to address my other commentees.

  11. @Anonymous: First of all, we want to let you know that we do appreciate you opinion. In fact, we always encourage our readers to share comments regarding our updates. That includes also the quality of them.

    I understand what you mean, but the reason why we state the "obvious" is because, for most of the readers of our blog, what is shown in the photos may actually not be understood. We would LOVE to be able to avoid writing comments. Those take the most time when preparing an update! Our comments have to be clear, first of all. Sometimes we do include some funny comments, but that is not our focus.

    Once again, we strive to bring you the best updates around (we don't know for how much longer we will be able to do so...), but it is a bit difficult to please everybody.

    Thank you again for your input!

  12. (Jordan)

    You say my comments are unwarranted ... But they are warranted. If I were to not say anything about OTPN when I see something I think could be improved, I would be doing a disservice to them. Without criticism how can one expect to better themselves? I only criticize because I would like to see this site succeed.

    When I say I didn't want the same basic formula, I didn't mean in the layout or user interface of this website, I meant in the way their comments seem so formulaic and monotonous. Some simple thought put into these comments would really enhance the experience, in my opinion.

    Do you think this is the only website I visit for theme park news? No, I visit many, many websites. That is how I came up with these criticisms, through various sources that are similar to OTPN. I would never blindly condone anything. Of course these other sites aren't perfect either, far from it, but most of them have a larger readership, and frankly have a worse overall website than you. The difference is, their comments of their photos add a layer off depth this site simply does not have ...

  13. -sigh- I love IOA, And it's always exciting seeing bright new paint! Keep up the good work guys :)

  14. A TERRIBLE comment is: "If I were to not say anything about OTPN when I see something I think could be improved, I would be doing a disservice to them." You mistake your opinion as fact, assume that you know better, and hide in anonymity. Ridiculous. That's my opinion. You're welcome for this service I have done you.

    Keep up the great work, OTPN! And thanks!


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