Universal Studios Update: London Walls Removed (PART 4)

Welcome to PART 4 of our newest Universal Studios Florida photo-report, Orlando Theme Park News Readers! PART 3 of this update can be found here.
Here we are, nearing the end of this massive photo-update. In the previous parts of this update we focused on the London area. Now we will move away from that section of the park, and then we'll check out Springfield, the KidZone, and Hollywood. Enjoy the rest of the pictures:

Some views of London from the other side of the lagoon:

The dragon seen from a different angle:

In World Expo, one of the snack booths has been moved to the opposite side of the walkway:

This was its former location:

This provides a much better view of the new waterfront area:


Let's now take a quick look around the KidZone, especially since some areas are rumored to be closing soon:


By the way, we forgot to mention that work on one of the facades of Little Italy continues:

And that is all for now. Before concluding, remember to like us on our official Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for live updates from the parks. Thank you very much for your support, and see you again real soon!



  1. Any more pictures of the berm area?
    How does it look compared to the area? Is it doing a good job of hiding the buildings?

  2. What are the rumors about the Kidzone??

  3. Thanks, Sam!!!
    Great job, as always!

  4. Universal is looking amazing, especially the new London area. I'm so jealous, I won't be able to visit from the UK for a few years.

    At lease I have fantastic sites like Orlando park news to keeping me going. I've been following your construction updates from the beginning. Thanks guys!

    As for the first anonymous poster: at least give constructive criticism; and please learn to punctuate your sentences properly!!

  5. It looks like an english street? I think that's what they were aiming for. I think it's clear you're not a potter fan, but neither am I and I think it looks fantastic and is a great addition to a park that needed it.

  6. As a real London resident I think all the new facades look amazing. The stations look perfect, even down to the interior signage at King's Cross being the correct colour scheme (blue and orange) and mentioning prams (not strollers!).

    I also like that they have recreated a cabmans shelter for the refreshment kiosk.

  7. Beautiful update. The London area is looking amazing. Love the Dragon. Hope to visit real soon. Thank you for the pictures.

  8. It really does look amazing, we are going next year and I can't wait. Regarding the 'looks like a stupid English Street' comment. Really? To me it looks like what it was intended to look like. An extremely well planned and thought out extension to an already amazing Harry Potter World. The fact it looks like an English street means they got it right. So your attempt at an insult, kind of back fired.
    Well done Orlando Park News on an amazing update.

  9. Thanks to all of you for the kind comments! We love hearing your expressions, especially since many of you live in the ACTUAL city of London. How cool is that? You still get to see your home while on vacation! Or should I say, holiday? :-)

  10. Excellent update. There's no question it looks great. My only complaint, of which there isn't anything they can do about it, is that you can see other sections of the park from the section you're in. The berm helps but there are so many other buildings (non-themed, or themed for another ride/area) visible, that it pulls you out of the immersion. No other park in the world has the space of Disney World, so it's an unfair comparison, but the separation of "lands" in Magic Kingdom (for example) really creates an immersive experience that no other park can provide. I mean, you're standing looking at the London facade and it looks like you're really there, until you turn around and look across the lake and see Springfield.

    I know I'm being picky, and stating the obvious, so sorry about that...

    Still I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

  11. Great pics! Can't wait to get down there this Summe r and see it for myself. As always, Thank You for all the great photos and updates.

  12. The entrance to Diagonally looks very small to cope with crowds


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