Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Update (January 2, 2014)

Welcome to our newest photo-report, Orlando Theme Park News Readers!
Today we are going to take a very quick look at the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, which is currently under construction in the Fantasyland section of the Magic Kingdom Park. Before starting, we would like to apologize for the fact that the photos may look a bit dark or blurry, but this was the first time our correspondent Alex used the new camera (we kept our promise)... That being said, we sincerely hope you will enjoy the pictures:

Today was a rainy day here in Central Florida:

While a new mine will soon open, this one will soon close:

The Seven Dwarfs Mine Train:

No more walls on this side:

The waterfall effect was turned off:

Continuing to walk around the mountain:

And, of course, nearby...

And that is all for now. Before concluding, remember to like us on our official Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for live updates from the parks. Also, you can subscribe to our weekly newsletter using the gadget located on our sidebar (the newsletter is sent every Sunday). If you would like to make a donation to OTPN, feel free to use the big "DONATE" button on the sidebar. Thank you very much for your support, and enjoy the rest of your day!

PHOTOS BY: Alex, Official Orlando Theme Park News Photographer and Team Member.


  1. Might be best to save judgement on the new camera or the person taking the pictures until they can take pictures on a nice day. It is understandably difficult to get decent pictures on a rainy, cloudy day.

  2. Walls coming down means real progress! Can't wait to be there in line on opening day in just a few months!


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