Animal Kingdom News: Theater Construction Progress

Hello Orlando Theme Park News Readers. We are glad to see you back (even though we can't really "see" you, but you get the point). Today, we have a short (but interesting) Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park photo-report, which includes a few over-the-wall photos of the new Festival of the Lion King theater. Enjoy!:

First of all, let's enjoy some photos of the animals that populate the park:

Can you see it?:

It's a baby gator!:

Some of the beautiful scenery around the park:

Now we are going to take a quick look around Camp Minnie-Mickey, which should close soon:

The entrance to the "old" (and original) Festival of the Lion King theater:

Time to check on the progress being done on the site of the new Festival of the Lion King theater:

We see a lot of green. Looks nice:

Sorry if the photos look a bit repetitive, but we wanted to include most of the shots just in case...

A couple of shots of the majestic Everest:

Thank you very much for reading. We will see you in just a few minutes with some more updates.

PHOTOS BY: Alex, Official Orlando Theme Park News Photographer.

1 comment:

  1. In the last photo you can really see the forced perspective used to make the rear mountain look like Everest


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