Remember to Participate in This Year's Survey!

NOTE: We are posting this advisory once again due to the fact that it was buried under 13 pages of Disneyland photos. If you have already participated in our survey, you do not have to take it again.

As we stated a few days ago, it is once again time for you to tell us what you think about OTPN.

In fact, the 2013 Orlando Theme Park News survey is now officially open. We would love if you could spend at least 90 seconds completing this survey. If you do so, you will help us to understand if there is something that we need to adjust, change, remove, or add. 

You can tell us what is your opinion regarding the overall appearance of our site, share your comments regarding the quality of our photo-updates, give us your input and ideas regarding some of our future projects, and more. This will not only help us to grow, but it will also benefit you, as we will continue to do our best to ameliorate this free website that many people (including YOU!) may enjoy every day of the week, at any time of the day. 

Of course, we cannot possibly understand what our Readers want unless they tell us. Well, this is your chance! Please, participate in this survey if you can. It will be available until we reach AT LEAST 200 responses.

As a "thank you" gift, we have posted a 13-page Disneyland Park photo-gallery. CHECK IT OUT HERE!

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