SeaWorld's Antarctica: Nets Slowly Being Removed

As we reported some weeks ago, new nets were recently installed around the brand-new penguin exhibit located inside Antarctica - Empire of the Penguin attraction at SeaWorld Orlando. These nets were deemed necessary as there have been quite a few penguins trying to escape (they are very curious animals, no doubt about that!). This is how the nets looked in the past few weeks (sorry for the quality of the photos, but the light inside is very dim):

Now, things are finally starting to change, and it looks like the penguins are finally starting to get used to their new environment. Here you are some photos showing the nets rolled up (submitted by Jeff): 

Here's one more photo, submitted by Chris:

Our Reader Chris also added that "[an] educator at the park said [the nets] should be fully removed within the next two weeks. The penguins are doing a good job of staying in the habitat now." That's a really good news.

A big "thanks" to both Jeff and Chris for sharing these photos with us. See you later with some more updates.

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