OOTL: World Trade Center Construction Update

This evening, we bring you a very out-of-the-ordinary update from one of our readers, Scott, which brings us the latest news from one of the best-known locations in the world: the World Trade Center in New York City. Unfortunately, the fame of the location is linked to the disastrous terrorist attack that took place on a very sad day, September 11, 2001. Scott brings us some pictures of the work being done in the former location of the twin towers. Let's give him our attention:

Special World Trade Center Update

On July 31, I went to downtown New York City for my 6 month viewing of the construction of the World Trade Center and took some photos that I would like to share with you.

This first picture is an artist's rendering of the proposed plan for the new Downtown area. Before I show you the construction, I want to show you the proposed drawings and what it looks like now. (All renderings are credited to wtcprogress.com):

Copyright of wtcprogress.com

This is a stand-alone picture of the new Freedom Tower that is currently being built:

Copyright of wtcprogress.com

This is what the Freedom Tower looks like as of today. Every day construction workers are making history in the rebuilding of the site. In the following photo, you can see that the building is at about Floor 70 out of a proposed 104  floors. The building is going to have less floors than the previous towers, but will be taller. This is going to be done by making the spire/antenna very tall. This will be the tallest building in the country upon completion:

Next to the site, is the World Financial District which survived the attacks. The area I was standing in this picture is called the Winter Garden. The Garden has a glass ceiling which was destroyed by the falling towers, but has been rebuilt since then:

I took this photo to show that even on a Sunday there are workers going up the elevator to continue working on the building.

This is a rendering of the proposed lobby in the Freedom Tower:

Copyright of wtcprogress.com

This was the closest I was able to get to the progress of the lobby:

This is another proposed rendering of the outside of the Freedom Tower lobby:

Copyright of wtcprogress.com

To the right of the Freedom tower is the most recently completed tower. This is Tower 7 which was destroyed by the falling of the towers. Tower 7 is home of the CIA. Not sure if they are using the tower today:

When you see this building from the ground it actually looks like a facade and doesn't even look real. But it is real:

This is the new Transportation Center for the trains. Currently they are still working on the interiors of the center, and the actual building is nowhere near looking like this yet:

Copyright of wtcprogress.com

This is the Memorial Center/Museum which will house artifacts taken from the rubble and in the main lobby will feature actual steal beams from the collapse of the buildings:

This is a photo of the building as it looks today. The museum will open on September 11, 2012:

This is a rendering of the memorial site right next to the Freedom tower. Currently the pools are completed. The pools represent the North and South Tower footprints. Along the pools are the names of the people that lost their lives from September 11, 2001. Also the lives that were lost in the 1993 bombings in the parking garage along with the people on the planes:

Copyright of wtcprogress.com

Its hard to see but right by the trees is the North Pool. In less than 60 days, the memorial site will be open for the 10th anniversary. Already over 42,000 people have reserved passes to be there on September 11, 2011. On September 12, the park will open to the rest of the public:

I hope you enjoyed this New York Update!

We really want to thank Scott for delivering such a great update. What happened on September 11, 2001 has changed a lot of thing in the world, and since then, terrorism has become a much bigger issue all around the planet, that should not be overlooked. We can only wait for God to adjust the current situation of the world in general. Thanks again for reading, and have a good night.


  1. It's nice to see OTPN take their time to showcase the WTC project. :) Great pictures, by the way!

  2. I see the giant tombstone is going up nicely.
    Sure do miss those twin towers. ;_;

  3. The progress looks great. This is proof that America will not give up. We will move on and progress. Carry on with business, as it were. Even in the post that's off topic from the blog's norm, we still see a reflection of Walt Disney through this with an optimistic tomorrow.

  4. Well this picture are so beautiful but they makes me feel sad.... sad about september 11... I just want to say that I'm feel near to all the american people!!!

  5. We're very happy you enjoyed this special update! We take this occasion to thank again our friend Scott for providing us these great pictures!

  6. Thank you for the great photo update!

    I'm going to check and see if I have any photos around from my 2003 and 2006 trips!

  7. @anony- #2 - I Like that comment giant tombstone...!!

    Sure it's sad what happened that day.

    I bet when it's finished is going to be beautiful though. I just wished they had finished it sooner. For years I had read how this project was coming along and moving slowly with the delays and still isn't finished yet, with all the requirements for making it (like Anon. said:) a GIANT tombstone.

    Very good report though Scott, and Samuele thanks.

  8. @Francisco
    Actually I made that as a joke, that instead of telling the world, "you can knock us down, but we'll rebuild".
    Instead its "You win, we'll build just one tower, with less floors instead of what was once standing." It sickens me that this eyesore is whats going to replace the twin towers.

  9. Thank you Sam for posting this update and to the readers :) It always is amazing seeing the progress the city is doing towards this rebuilding. Sorry the photos are a little blurry, I used my camera phone.

    I will be back after the memorial ceremony to show more pictures of the pools and names.

  10. No, Scott, it is YOU that I want to thank! It was a pleasure for me to post your pictures (which are great, by the way... I would have never thought they were taken with a phone!). We'll wait to see what they'll do next! I'm very eager to see the pools a little bit closer! Thank you again, and thanks to all the readers that shared their comments with us, and thanks Austin for wanting to share your pictures too!


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