Universal's New Mini-Golf Construction Update

Work on the new mini-golf is well underway at Universal's CityWalk Orlando. Even though the themes for it do not appeal at all to us, we hope that they will be very careful on what they put around the mini-golf course. It is supposed to be a family-friendly experience, so also the environment should reflect this.

Anyway, here's a set of pictures of the work being done on the location for this future attraction:

As you can see from the following photo, a long wall has been erected near the valet parking waiting area:

Please, pardon their dust:

From the elevated moving walkway:

For now, it's only dirt:

A lot of dirt:

This will be the entrance to the mini-golf:

On the other side of the moving walkway:

The famous CityWalk sign will be moved further down, near to the road:

A side view of the sign:

And, that's it, for now. See you in the near future, with more pictures of the work on Universal's mini-golf.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update... It's great to see UO expanding ^^


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