Universal Studios Update: Lots of Refurbishments

Universal Studios Florida is really receiving attention in these last few months. We've noticed a lot of minor refurbishments of the public areas and of some rides' facades, which is a truly great thing. Let's take a look together at what has changed since our last visit, and you'll see that there are quite a few new things to look at:

Welcome to the best Studios theme park ever (after Universal Studios Japan, of course)!:

We started to notice work going on right after the entrance of the park, near the Universal Studios Store:

Jimmy Neutron was open... but not for long! August is approaching soon. Tic-tac, tic-tac.

Believe it or not, Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit is receiving some love too:

One of our readers reported that they were repainting the sides of the outdoor queue of the ride... And, that's exactly what they're doing:

As you can see, this wall has been repainted with a solid red color:

But this side has not been touched yet::

This may change soon:

Hmmm... The storm's approaching:

This can only mean that HRRR will...

... be closed.

Twister is still a great attraction. They only need to replace the first pre-show room with something more interesting:

New York's Yellow Cab:

The wind is becoming strong:

The refurbishment on this part of the boardwalk has been completed:

Shiny, new pieces of metal, with new wood:

The shack looks great too:

More work to be done:

A really long wall separates the newly-refurbished area from the still-to-be-renovated area:

A look behind the walls:

Did they really need to change all the wood on the boardwalk? Judge by yourself:

Yes, it was rotten:

A look around:

Ghirardelli's building... which has no Ghirardelli shop in it:

This is bad, really bad. Extremely bad:

The clouds were promising a good downpour:

Work is being done on the base of one of the sound system's columns on the bridge between Amity and the World Expo area:

This is how it should look like:

Work on Krusty's "tongue" is done:

And that's all, for now. Thanks for viewing, and have a very nice day!


  1. They were cleaning Mythos the other day! All the moss is gone

  2. What are those white dome things floating on the water? They've never been inflated (I'm guessing they're inflated!) whenever I've gone?

  3. How crowded will Universal be in the 1st few weeks of July?

  4. what day of the week did you visit? I'm curious if they only keep jimmy neutrons blast ride open on weekends now? thanks, love the site btw keep up the great work


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