2010 Theme Park Attendance Report Released

We've been waiting since last January for an official attendance report for our favorite theme parks in the world, and we finally got it! Let's take a look together at this year's figures. Some numbers may seem very obvious (like Islands of Adventure's), while others may be very, very surprising (like Animal Kingdom's):

We'll start from an overview of the overall attendance of theme parks in general, all around the world:

189.1 million: Total attendance for the top 25 parks worldwide, an increase of 1.9 percent from 2009.

123.6 million: Total attendance for the top 20 theme parks in North America, an increase of 1.8 percent from 2009.

 - 83.3 million: Total attendance for the top 15 Asian theme parks, up 7.3 percent from 2009.

56.3 million: Total attendance for the top 20 European theme parks, a decrease of 1.8 percent from 2009.

- 22.2 million: Total attendance for the top 20 worldwide waterparks, an increase of 7.3 percent from 2009. (Since 2006, total attendance for the top 20 worldwide waterparks has grown by 27.4 percent.)

13.3 million: Total attendance for the top 10 theme parks in Mexico and Latin America, up 8.2 percent from 2009. (Since 2006, total attendance for the top 10 Mexico and Latin America theme parks has grown by 20.5 percent.)

As you can see, Europe is the only continent that has seen a decrease in theme park attendance, and that's very strange, especially because they've got some of the best parks, like Efteling, Europa-park, Phantasialand, etc... Another thing that looks very strange is the sudden increase in theme park attendance in Latin America, especially because they have got very few major theme park. The only ones I know are Beto Carrero World, in Brazil, and Six Flags Mexico...

With that being said, let's see the percentage regarding attendance for the major theme parks in the world:

As we can see from these figures, the Magic Kingdom still rules as the "king" of all theme parks of the world, but... what about the next few years? Indeed, the only thing that divides the Magic Kingdom here in Florida (16,972,000 visitors) from Disneyland Park in California (15,980,000 visitors) is only one million people...

Also, Disney's Animal Kingdom's attendance is the only one that  was positive, when talking about Florida's Disney theme parks? Really? This is extremely bad, as this may mean that Disney may decide not to add anything to the park, when in reality that's the park that needs the most attention! I wonder what made more people go there. Even Epcot lost some visits.

On a positive note, I'm really happy to see Islands of Adventure, Universal Studios and Busch Gardens Tampa Bay gain visits. That's a really good thing. SeaWorld Orlando didn't do so well, but that's because of the very sad accident of the death of one of the park's trainers, Dawn Brancheau, and also due to the lack of new attractions. This year the park should do better.

To find out many more interesting facts about last year's theme park attendance, download here the 2010 Global Attractions Attendance Report by TEA, the Themed Entertainment Association.


  1. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah *o* Hopi Hari here in Brazil, had the biggest increase of guests of the woorld! I'm very very very happy *-----* I love this park! This is a amazing park made by ITPS!

    Hopi Hari is a fictional country.

    To know the park, click here: http://translate.google.com.br/translate?sl=pt&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=pt-BR&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhopiblog.webs.com%2F or here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopi_Hari

  2. Well... I understand why european park are loosing guest: cost/attraction/service/hosting.

    An example? Disenyland Paris... I was there some week ago and this park makes me understand why european park loose their quota!!!

    Do reach DLP you need to go by airplane to the two main Airport and you need to buy a ticket to the park's hotel (from 15 to 30 euro ane fram 10 to 65 minutes of travel).
    you arrive to the hotel after use the shuttles to get the destination.
    The hotel with an huge cost and poor quality and full of people are poor of service and for example you need to pay 10 euro for 1 hour of internet connection!
    After this,yo can go to the park but the thematizaton, the queue organizzation, and in general the park design are totally wrong! Can you believe that even the park personal is absolutely grumpy (not he dwarf, ahahah) and they never smile!

    So why should I spend again 900 euro for 4 nights in paris/and 2 park when I can spend twice for 20 days in the lovely Orlando? in proportion you cna spend 1/5 per night to get 20 days of pure fun in orlando! thats why European park loose guest!! And I'm one of those people that will never go to an european park!!

  3. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter truly helped IOA's attendance shoot through the roof.


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