Fun Spot U.S.A.'s Former Ticket Booth Demolished

In preparation of the work for the new "Galaxy Spin" wild mouse coaster, Fun Spot U.S.A. had to demolish its old ticket booth. This is a very important event, as it means that the new coaster may be installed very soon! Here's what Fun Spot announced:

"Please excuse our mess as we make way for our new coaster. Demolition of the former North Ticket booth (Original SkyCoaster building) has begun. Once the building is demolished and the area is cleaned we can prep for the install of our new coaster!"

Take a look at some pictures, posted on Fun Spot's official Facebook page:

To see some pictures of the "Galaxy Spin" coaster track, please, go HERE. Fun Spot U.S.A. plans to open the new coaster by June 11, 2011. We'll see how it goes!

All these pictures were NOT taken by OTPN. They are subject to the copyright of © Fun Spot Attractions.
All rights reserved.

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