Thank you for participating in our survey!

We just wanted to THANK all of you that took our new site survey yesterday!
It was a huge success, as we reached almost 130 answers in one single day! We can't thank you enough!

The results will be published on the site at the end of the week, and we'll see together what you like and what you don't, so that we can continue to improve, and offer the best service we can!
We really hope you'll have a great day, even though some of you said that you're covered in snow!
Let's see if we can send some hot weather to you up there!


  1. Believe I wish you can send me in a box the amazing weather of Orlando!!!!

    We are immersed in a terrible Freezing Mist!!! We feel like we were in the Steven King's Movie!!!
    Do you remember the mist?? If you want we can make a reciprocal exchange: A box with the Mist form Italy in exchange for a box with the Orlando's Shining Sun !!!! ahahah!!!!

  2. I'll swap you 4 feet of New England snow for your mist Bigfoots - that's the best I can do! :) Hang in there - spring will be here soon ...... hopefully.


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