Magic Kingdom - THE MOVIE

Some of you may already have heard this news, that was published almost a week ago, but to me it was a bit unclear.... A movie about Magic kingdom?? Great! But also, a bit strange.

Here's the news from, posted on September 30th, 2010:

Walt Disney Heads to the Magic Kingdom
- Disney developing Magic Kingdom movie -

Walt Disney Pictures is not just turning one theme park attraction into a movie for its next family outing. It's turning all of Disneyland into a fantastical new adventure with a big screen project entitled Magic Kingdom.

Battlestar Galactica creator Ronald D. Moore wrote the original script for Magic Kingdom based on his own pitch to Disney, with a story set entirely inside Disneyland. However, Disney is now looking to develop the movie even further, seeking out another writer for the project. Variety revealed that Disney is still looking to use their iconic theme park as the setting for this upcoming fantasy, which will be similar in tone to Night at the Museum.

Magic Kingdom will feature a number of Disney icons such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy, rather than just hint at them in the way that Enchanted did in 2007. The movie is said to be Disney's version of The Avengers, and will introduce the studio's lineup of classic characters to younger audiences who may not be familiar with them.

Magic Kingdom is in development .

This sounds great, as "Night at the Museum" was one of my favorite movies (the first one).
What do you think? Isn't this a nice, but surprising news? Please, post your comments!


  1. I would see it in a heartbeat!

  2. Sounds kind of like the Kingdom Keepers books except w/out the main characters and stuff. And as long as its not like G Rated I would consider seeing it.


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