Magic Kingdom general update

Here you are a new update of the Magic Kingdom!:

Work continue on the outside bus stop, and it looks like they're doing nothing special:

But these works are pretty interesting, and are directly before the entrance to the bus area:

Maybe they're just fixing pipes or other minor work, but it's interesting to see new walls pop up every single week here:

The bushes have been cut:

This is ridiculous:

But these two are even more ridiculous:

The Tomorrowland Terrace is now closed again, but it will reopen when the busy season will re-start:

Nice perspective:

At first, I thought they had removed the sign of the Tomorrowland Terrace:

.... but it was back a couple of days later:

I've never noticed this before:

A new cover for the new sign:

Work continue on Pecos Bill:

This was on Saturday:

Is this new?:

The orange bird is gone! :-(

More pictures around the park:

The castle looks even better at night!!!:

Thanks for viewing, and have a great day!


  1. I think the phone booth in your picture is the one from a torrent I recently downloaded:
    The uploader mentioned that many people have never seen it.

  2. The phone booth, along with the paper robot and a few other things have been there since 1994 when they redid the land. But back then it was much more fun, cause it all worked.

    Also the DVC booth is new for that spot, they have moved it around a few times.


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