Universal considering 3rd park

Yes, Universal Orlando is seriously considering to expand its resort with something big.... like an entire new area or even a NEW THEME PARK!

Of course, it's just a rumor for now, but Universal released a survey (that I've received in my e-mail too) that is really interesting... Here's the news from Screamscape:

"Universal Orlando has launched a new “Blue Sky” survey this week, one that mentions a lot of questions about certain popular movies: Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Twilight and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Hitchiker’s Guide To The Galaxy and more...
  ...The end of the survey chooses to go into a lot of detailed questions about Lord of the Rings in general. Could Universal be thinking of nabbing up another big fantasy franchise for a future park addition? For me it also asked a bunch of questions about adding a Terminator attraction… which is strange since they have one, but it looks like they want new ideas for a new one. Perhaps it’s time to replace T2/3D but may want to replace it with a new Terminator themed attraction. Fine by me… I always wanted to see that once proposed Terminator themed  indoor/outdoor roller coaster concept. "

There are a lot of new concepts to choose!! What's your favorite?


  1. LORD OF THE RINGS....I hope this is true, because if it is...I'd die. I'm a total geek and love, love, love LOTR. It's a classic.

  2. Maybe if Universal builds a new park it will make Disney pull out some money to build a new park to. I like the Avatar and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Idea but, do you think Universal needs to do some work at its Universal Studios park beside IOA. I have heard since the Harry Potter stuff has open this park is deserted.

  3. I just took the full survey...I love giving my input! I gave very detailed opinions for everything, so I hope they take it into account. I'm hoping for LOTR, of course, and some of the other ideas were good...but please, no Twilight. It has no place in a theme park.

  4. A new Universal anything sounds like music to my ears!

    But me personally don't think that Disney could be matching any new anything. I mean Princess Land seems to be their big Orlando plans. California Adventure gets Cars and Orlando gets Princess-palooza. That's just awesome! Really amazing! I hope that by the year 2018 or something I may be proved wrong!

    By the way I don't hate Disney I like Disney, is just that I think it gets way too much credit and too little criticism.

  5. I really hope they build this third theme park... It would be a blast for us and an input for Disney, so that they may clarify this strange-looking Fantasyland Expansion!!! Before it was all clear, now.......


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