Disney to help with Oil spill

The Walt Disney Company wants to join the forces to stop this really concerning oil spill.
Here's what they want to do:

"The Walt Disney Company is committed to helping those affected by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  

While there is still much to understand about the long-term impacts of the disaster - to the environment, wildlife and communities in the surrounding areas -  it is clear that the road to recovery will be a long one. As we continue to closely monitor what the recovery needs will be, we have committed $100,000 of proceeds from the Disney's Friends for Change song, "Make A Wave," to the  Disney Worldwide Conservation Rapid Response Fund.  

The fund is donating this contribution  to expert environmental organizations responding to the disaster including $50,000 to the National Audubon Society. Help through the company's various areas of expertise is also being assessed.  

Wildlife and veterinary experts from Disney Animal Programs are in touch daily with state, national and nonprofit organizations to anticipate need  and those teams stand ready to offer their assistance.  

There are currently no local VoluntEAR opportunities to assist with the oil spill relief efforts, as the need has been for pre-trained volunteers with very specific expertise. 

However, cast members and employees [of the Company are encouraged] to get involved in environmental VoluntEAR activities in their regions to aid in the overall health of our planet. More information will be forthcoming as we continue to assess where and how we can provide the most-needed assistance."

Well, that's a good thing. The more help we get for this problem, the better.
To understand how bad is this, take a look at these pictures, from CFNews 13!

You need the Windows Media Player plug-in to see it.

The last pictures are subject to the copyright of CFNews 13. All rights are reserved.

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