Hollywood Studios Update: Still Waiting... (PART 3)

Welcome to PART 3 of this new Hollywood Studios photo-report (PART 2 can be found HERE).

Let us check out the Streets of America now, rumored to be leaving soon:

The future location of Cars Land (hopefully):

Crates... Are they hiding something?:

New Planes ad:

The infamous Studio Backlot Tour should be among the first attractions to be removed soon:

Lie #2:

Pixar Place:

Toy Story Mania line:

Not as long as we thought:

FastPass+ entrance:

The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow:

This is such an overrated attraction:

Let's take a quick look inside Walt Disney - One Man's Dream:

Beautiful models:

The New Fantasyland:

Moving on:

Sunset Boulevard is another excellent themed area of the park:


  1. IMHO they should kill the Backlot Tour (which has never been the same since they ripped out Residential Street), Lights Motors Action, and the Streets of America but leave Muppets alone. Maybe they will, since they tend to be giving lots of love and attention to the exterior facade of Muppet*Vision 3-D, and the sign seems new, so I think the rumor of them killing off Muppets 3D is pretty much wishful thinking at this point.

  2. I cant see Disney scrapping Muppetvision. Its still very popular, despite its age.
    While Disney continue to make new Muppets movies, the attraction will remain. What it should receive is a makeover, even a new movie - just a digital remaster of the current film wouldn't go amiss!
    its become a little dated now - but sadly you could say that of so much of Hollywood Studios

  3. I'd hate to see Jim Henson's last project disappear from the park.
    That show is always a must see whenever me and my friend's go to the park.

  4. I love muppetvision and would be sad if it left. Also, is it just me or does parts of streets of America look a little like monstropolis? Maybe they could use the existing streets of America to build a monsters inc land. Of course they would have to rebuild and rework some of the facades and buildings but I think it could work.

  5. I agree the Muppets should stay but I wonder if they can improve the picture quality. It looks very outdated compared to the 3D you can see in your local theater.

    As for Cars Land, I say forget about it. They should do a Planes Land instead. If you want to visit Cars Land, you can today, in California. I'd much rather see unique attractions and lands, not copycats from other Disney parks.

    Just my 2c.

  6. Hi,

    first time poster.

    The picture with the crates used to be where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles used to perform back in the early 90's.

    I think it has been used for different performances, meet n greets etc.... so if anything was to happen there I think that is what it would be used for again.


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