Orlando Theme Park News: "Blogspot" is Gone

Today we have got some exciting news for our readers!

As you know, Orlando Theme Park News was started back in 2009, and it has always been rightly considered a blog. The domain that accompanied our blog was www.orlandoparksnews.blogspot.com, and this definitely didn't allow us to expand our presence in the internet, due to the nature of the domain.

Well, from today (Wednesday, November 21, 2012), the official domain of Orlando Theme Park News will change! We can now be reached at www.orlandoparksnews.com.

This is only the first of a series of changes that will take place in the next few weeks, so stay tuned!


  1. So glad you guys were able to change it with no issues :)

  2. Congrats - can't wait to see what you guys do

  3. Great! Congratulazioni! :)

  4. A big thank you yo all of you!

    @Felipe: Grazie mille! Nice to hear you again! :-)


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