Epcot photo update

Welcome to another Epcot update!

There are some news about the pizzeria. It's now a two-story building as you will see in the next few pictures..


works in Innoventions west:

still the same here...

Living with the land is still closed to get the new boats..

Incredibly, Soarin' had only a 30 minutes wait, so we did it..

Works in the Chinese pavilion:

I don't know if it's only a rehab or something more...

this seems something new...

New Pizzeria pictures! They made a lot of progress on this one:

as you can see, it's now a two-story building.

they now have to open the passage here (and eventually build the ride!)

more photos of the Italian pavilion...

Some street entertainment (Epcot is the best for this!):

You'll probably be happy to know that the ex-ODYSSEY restaurant has now reopened as "Epcot World Fare", and it's open every weekday (from Monday to Friday). RESERVATION ONLY!

Let's do a game!! The first one that tells me what this is (look the following photo), will decide one of our future updates!! Give it a try!:


And that's it! See you friday with a new WWoHP update!! Bye!


  1. Grande Samu, come sempre!!!
    La foto del tuo quiz, mi sembra un lampione!
    A dire la verità sembrano dei pappagalli da ospedale appesi ad asciugare! ahahah

    As ever, great Samu!!!
    About the picture in your contest, I think is a streetlight.
    I also think that it seems to be an hospital's parrot, hang to dry! ahahah!!!

  2. Grazie come al solito Bigfoot! ma sfortunatamente non hai indovinato la foto misteriosa.. E' la prima volta che vedo anch'io quella cosa, che si trova vicino a Test Track... Grazie per averci provato comunque!

    Thanks as usual, Bigfoot, but unfortunately you didn't guess right about the mystery photo... it's the first time I saw it, and it's near Test Track... Thanks for teying anyway!

  3. Well, it's showing every letter of the alphabet and they look like pots. i guess that's my guess haha

  4. It looks like it s a device from which "something comes out of."
    Maybe like a light fixture, or a fountain head, or a fireworks shooter?... maybe something comes out of the holes and it's labeled to do it in a coordinated fashion?

  5. I'm sorry, neither of you guessed right... HINT: it's a futuristic version of something you may have in you backyard...

  6. It looks like a tree to me, maybe a birdhouse like Cary said. They look like hairdryers! Curious about the letters...

  7. Yes, it's a birdhouse! Cary and Marina, you're both right, and since Cary guessed right for first, she can decide one of our next update! Congratulations!

  8. Cool :) Next time I'm in EPCOT I'll check it out. Good job Cary on figuring it out first!

  9. Well first off Cary is a boy! hehe aaannnd I'm getting ready to head up to islands of adventure next weekend!! So an update there would be cool!

  10. I'm really sorry Cary for themistake!! I'll go to UO soon!!
    Congratulations again!!


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